A Day In Retail: Neuw Denim

December 16, 2011 William 0 Comments

So on Thursday morning we had our first product meeting where we learn about new products, this week we were learning about a company called Neuw Denim.

We were given a presentation on the ins and outs of their jeans and company and what makes them special. Now you’re probably wondering what made this presentation special?

Well the use of an iPad to show off the latest designs caught my eye, but I have to say I haven’t yet seen or felt a real pair but what set them apart is “Every pair of Neuw jeans has individual details inspired by traditional, hand repair work and tailoring. The imperfection is what makes them special.”

We also learnt about their Creator and founder who is crazy about buying old pairs of jeans apparently, and how each pair of jeans has a special ring on them which originated from when the creator was given a watch and he attached it to his jeans, but over time the watch fell apart leaving just a ring, hence why every pair of jeans have a special ring on.

So in my own opinion this company have managed to not just make a pair of jeans, they have managed to get me rather excited about telling people the stories behind the jeans and the people that make them.