Positive Things Learnt From The End Of A Relationship

September 1, 2013 William 0 Comments

Okay, humour me here this is going to be a rare dear diary moment.

Recently coming to the end of a short, but fun relationship I learnt a lot about myself and others.

1. Friendship, whether they’re best friends, good friends or work friends they care for you.

2. Trust, you can’t have a relationship without it and it’s something I should have had more of. All good things will end, so enjoy it day-to-day.

3. It gave me the realisation it’s time for a new home and a chapter in life.

4. Spend time with people that matter to you even when in a relationship. I probably didn’t follow the silly ‘bro’s before hoes’ rule as I now find myself now playing catch up with everyone.

5. Believe yourself, trust yourself, carry on as yourself.

6. Despite the fact we have new titles between each other, friendship is hopefully something we can keep.